Senin, 18 Februari 2008

Modern of Minimalis

House Minimalis attend with the clearer character ( form and geometric space, simple), better ( sturdy), and stronger with the empty space a few ornamen and housewares). Minimum become the target at one blow simple ornamen itself and purification. Straight line, flat smoothly harsh sometimes, and area meeting completely vertical elbow..
efficient Substance usage, practical, sturdy light but, and have high technology [to]. artless concrete Ekspos or tekstur of house wall, wide glass window a few/little, or even without extension. Construct the building from concrete till become militant the. Roof from clay tile, sirap, till lisp steel
artless Wood substance without ornamen, only dipelitur or painted, remain to a lot of used for the cushion of and leaf of door and window. Cushion from durable aluminium also have a lot of peeped at. fence of Concrete bertekstur, brick up the leaf sirih ( cutting petrify the times;rill compiled high rise), till hedgerow softening building inertia.
House by desain is minimalis emphasize the form desain which bare, artless, simple, is not complicated, compact, and space efficiency. Impressive of minimalis only part of esensial of house function which remain to be defended. Creativity and innovate the technological growth make the house minimalis will be non-stoped to expand more compact, trendi, and practical, and also remain to be new symbol favorite choice of society urban.Merapi View

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